Welcome to The Little Paper Playground!

13 February 2015

As a mum to two children under three, I love seeing the world through their eyes. A world where there are no inhibitions, just pure creativity and imagination.

It regularly takes me back to when I was growing up. A time when I truly believed the messy collages I made out of string, PVA glue and coloured lentils were real fish. A time when I’d take great pride walking home from primary school with my next model of an A Team truck. A model largely made from household recyclables my parents had generously given the school to save clogging up the dustbin as recycling wasn’t really big in the mid eighties. A model that would then be brought home and inevitably be put in said dustbin a few days later disguised as ‘taken to nanna and granddad’s house’.

Whilst playing with my two and a half year old son George, creating racing cars out of cardboard boxes and paper plates, I realised recently that I missed that. I missed making things. I guess as we all get older with jobs and responsibilities some of our fun, creative side slips by the wayside (unless you’re a designer of course, you guys have all the fun!)

So, along with setting up this blog, I’ve taken the plunge and started a craft space at home again (who needs a formal dining room that only gets used once every Christmas anyway?) The limited ‘me’ time I currently get will be spent here, in The Little Paper Playground, where I can immerse myself in card, adhesive and embellishments, all supplied by Stampin’ Up!

I discovered Stampin’ Up! through my friend Sam. It made sense to me as you can order online, the goodies are delivered direct to your door within 5 working days and all inks, paper, punches, everything co-ordinates – all time saving saviours when you’re a busy mummy!  Plus, after deciding to join the fun and become an Independent Demonstrator, I now get 20% off the net product total! (More details on how you can join my team can be found here)

The projects I make here will largely be inspired by the things and people around me.  Simple projects, full of colour that will hopefully inspire you to try and make them with your own unique twist. (why is it right there I had Louis Walsh in my head saying 'you made it your own'?!).

The above little white box, may seem teeny and bland, but this is where The Little Paper Playground's crafting adventure starts.  Just like when Dorothy flew from Kansas to Oz, we start in black and white hopefully ending up with more colour than Joseph's Amazing Technicolour Dreamcoat.  In fact just playing with the Gift Box Punch Board briefly has given me lots of ideas, so maybe we'll start there for the next few posts, different boxes, for different occasions, with me rambling on in between.

We can all create our own projects, no matter how small, that could really brighten someone’s day. What was it Dick Van Dyke sang? ‘with tuppence for paper and strings, you can have your own set of wings’? So let's start here and have fun together along the way, who knows what we'll come up with!

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